Amphitheatre Stage replacement progress

2022 No replacement stage is planned for the Haven Amphitheatre at this time.


DA due for completion December 2017



Section 96 – Modification of Consent – S96 – Six (6) months extension of deferred commencement.

Status:Determined – Decision has been made
Estimated Cost of Work:$ 6,707
Officer:Ian Arnott
Determined: 21/12/2017 Approved by Council
This new timeline will not have a stage for The Haven in 2018
  • The 12 months deferred commencement was from 21 December 2016. (See 18.1 of Council Agenda  and Minutes of 12 December 2016 for all details.)
  • I looked up the DA on Council’s website a few days ago to see if the DA had commenced and saw entry below headed DA-2016/283/A. Under the header it says:  ‘Section 96 – Modification of Consent – S96 – Six (6) months extension of deferred commencement.’  

Congratulations to our new Ward Councillors 10-2017

Denis Fernandez

Brendon Zhu

And back for a new term.

Hugh Eriksson

We believe with this team we will be able to progress the now six year stage renewal program.

Willoughby Council Budget 2017 – 2018

Project Title      Performing Arts  Haven Amphitheatre – Stage Renewal

  • Estimated cost   $1,088,000
  • Council Grant      $544,000
  • Contingency        $300,000

Passed 08-05-2017 for Public comment prior to Council approval of the budget in June


The WCC General Manager has advised;

 Despite the current WCC’s intent (as outlined in the Resolution of 9/5/16 & the updated June 2016 LTFP) in funding up to $544K of the proposed project’s cost in 2017/2018,  a 100% guarantee that a future WCC Council or merged entity will fulfill that commitment to this project or any other planned future project is not possible. Councils are able to change their decisions by way of a later decision.
The inclusion of the $1.088M within the proposed PIP spend in 2017/2018 as contained within the revised June 2016 LTFP, together with the Council Minute of 9/5/16 however provides a strong message of the current WCC’s sentiments to a prospective Administrator and or Council.


The agenda for the Council meeting on Monday 9 May at 7 pm includes a draft budget to be approved for exhibition – see Item 16.1 of the following link extracted below.—Minutes/General-Council-Meetings/2016-05-09/

Council proposed budget for public discussion

4. The Haven Amphitheatre ($1.088M allocation): Due to safety concerns, the Haven Amphitheatre was closed by Council in 2014.

Public consultation was conducted between 6 January and 26 February 2016 to canvass the community‟s feedback on Concept Plan Option 1A for the replacement of The Haven Amphitheatre Stage and undercroft. ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING 9 MAY 2016 PAGE 65 ITEM – 16.1Willoughby Delivery Program 2013-2017 (Including The Draft Operational Plan And Budget For 2016/2017)

1. Discussion:  $152,000 was allocated in 2015/16 budget towards the Haven Amphitheatre Stage Renewal Project 

Restoration work to the creek and terrace stone steps is scheduled to commence in the 2015/16 financial year 

Restoration works will be funded from e-restore Catchment Management Actions and Bushlands-Castlecrag Reserves Restoration at a total cost of $70,000

2. Funding Source: None

3. Project and Capital Works Prioritisation Process 

Within the Culture & Leisure Category the project is ranked as: 

Number 8 out of 9 projects 

Low Benefit to cost 

Major Risk

4. Recommendation That Council provide a maximum allocation of $544,000 in 2017/2018 subject to matching dollar for dollar from community donations and grants. The project and funding will be allocated within the Long Term Financial Plan for 2017/2018.



ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING                                                                                                   29 MARCH 2016






AUTHOR:                                      ANGELA CASEY CULTURE AND LEISURE MANAGER


MEETING DATE:                             29 MARCH 2016

Purpose of Report

  1. To present Council with the results of the Public Exhibition for the Stage Renewal at
    The Haven Amphitheatre.
  2. For Council to consider the adoption of Option 1A Stage Renewal for the purpose of
    progressing to budget discussions.
  3. To provide Council with 3 (three) funding options for consideration and determination
    prior to the 2016/17 budget deliberations.

Procedural Motion

That the following people address the meeting and answer questions of the Councillors:

  • Speaker on behalf of Glen Gulliver
  • Ms Lorraine Cairnes
  • Ms Jill Newton
  • Mr Richard Newton

MOTION That Council:

  1. Lodges a DA for option IA to be determined by 30 June 2016 in accordance with the timetable set in Table 4 under item 17.1 of the Officers’ report of the 14 December 2015 Ordinary Council Meeting;
  2. Following on from determination of the DA, develops a project plan and staged timetable for rebuilding the stage and associated facilities, with stage 1, the


ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING                                                                            29 MARCH 2016

‘baseline work’, followed by subsequent stages of construction and commissioning of the new stage and undercroft;

  1. Pre-commits $424,000 in the 201612017 budget for the stage renewal, noting the balance will be assisted by grants and community contributions, the compelling grounds for this pre-committal being:
  2. There is collective acknowledgement within Council and with the public that the continuation of unbroken public performances at the Haven are an important living heritage item commenced by the Burley Griffins in the 1920/30s;
  3. the stage replacement design and its importance to the Willoughby City Council community as a living heritage item has been robustly debated at Council on a number of occasions with the public present;
  4. Council has allocated seed funds for the replacement stage design and community consultation;
  5. This process is established and has been ongoing since 201 2’s during which the existing stage was condemned denying the continuation of performances;
  6. The ongoing delay will result in loss of momentum which threatens to kill the project and the demonstrated community support;
  7. it is important as a living heritage item to keep the site active for live performances; and
  8. Proceeds to seek out and apply for relevant funding opportunities for the rebuilding of the Haven stage as a matter of priority




Procedural Motion

That Council resolve into Committee of the Whole in order to deal with this item. RESOLUTION

That the meeting revert to Open Council.





For the Resolution: Councillors Coppock, Eriksson, Hooper, Mustaca, Norton, Rozos, Rutherford, Saville, Stevens and Wright.

Against: Nil

Absent: Councillor Giles-Gidney


ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING                                                                                                      29 MARCH 2016


That Council:

  1. Notes the feedback from the community exhibition of the Haven stage renewal.
  2. Adopts Option IA for the future stage renewal at the Haven Amphitheatre, Castlecrag as per the concept plan by CAB Consulting and Markham-Lee Architecture dated December 14 2015.
  3. Undertakes the baseline works and adds $2000 to the relevant 201 5/2016 PIP.
  4. Confirms the grant funding and approval processes, including Development Application, following the 201 6/17 budget deliberations by Council.
  5. Officers use their best endeavours to submit a DAfor option IA by 30 June 2016. MOVED COUNCILLOR COPPOCK




For the Amendment: Councillors Coppock, Mustaca, Norton, Rozos, Rutherford, Saville, Stevens and Wright.

Against: Councillors Eriksson and Hooper

Absent: Councillor Giles-Gidney


That Council funds the full amount. MOVED COUNCILLOR STEVENS




For the Amendment: Councillors Hooper and Stevens

Against: Councillors Coppock, Eriksson, Mustaca, Norton, Rozos, Rutherford, Saville and Wright.

Absent: Councillor Giles-Gidney


That Council:

  1. Notes the feedback from the community exhibition of the Haven stage renewal.
  2. Adopts Option IA for the future stage renewal at the Haven Amphitheatre, Castlecrag as per the concept plan by CAB Consulting and Markham-Lee Architecture dated December 14 2015.


ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING                                                                                                      29 MARCH 2016

  1. Undertakes the baseline works and adds $2000 to the relevant 2015/2016 PIP.
  2. Confirms the grant funding and approval processes, including Development Application, following the 2016/17 budget deliberations by Council.
  3. Officers use their best endeavours to submit a DA for option IA by 30 June 2016. MOVED COUNCILLOR COPPOCK




For the Motion: Councillors Coppock, Eriksson, Mustaca, Norton, Rozos, Rutherford, Saville and Wright.

Against: Councillor Hooper and Stevens

Absent: Councillor Giles-Gidney

End of council minutes.


We  note

Ward Councillor Hill was also an apology and absent.

Precommitment of any finance to replace the stage was denied.

Council management have used their best endeavours to progress The Haven project for four years to date.

“Baseline works” is the removal of all the installed infrastructure in The Haven and the reinstatement of the landscape.

While funding has been approved for “base line works” no  plans have been submitted.



 Results of the Have Your Say Survey

Memo To:Councillors
Memo From:Melanie Smith
CC:Executive Leadership Team
Date:29 March 2016

Dear Councillors,

Attachment 1 of Item 17.1 Haven Amphitheatre Stage Renewal Report are the results from a previous ‘Have Your Say’ Survey that was conducted from 25 February – 7 April 2014.  A copy of the correct ‘Have Your Say’ transcript of responses from the 2016 survey, is attached.

The difference in the results between the 2014 and the 2016’Have Your Say’ survey are:


Survey ResponseSupportiveNon-supportive
2014 Have Your Say – 104 survey responses986
2016 Have Your Say – 110 survey responses1037

Below is a summary of Table 1:  The Haven Amphitheatre Have Your Say Interactions and Table 2:  The Haven Amphitheatre Summary of Feedback both from the 2016 survey.

Table 1:  The Haven Amphitheatre Have Your Say Interactions

Nature of InteractionNumber
Visits to The Haven have Your Say549
Views/downloads of The Haven Have Your Say596
The Haven have Your Say Surveys completed110

Table 2:  The Haven Amphitheatre Summary of Feedback

Source of ResponsesSupportiveNon-supportive
Have Your Say – 110 survey responses1037
Mail/email – 25 responses25Nil
Community Groups – 3 responses3Nil

In relation to the issue of correspondence other than the Have Your Say Results not being attached to the report, you will note that there is a summary of feedback contained in the body of the report in Table 2:  The Haven Amphitheatre Summary of Feedback on page 87.

I apologise if this has caused any confusion.


Melanie Smith

Director of Community Culture and Leisure


Council meeting  28-03 2016

On the agenda is the future of the Haven Amphitheatre as a Theatre

Your attendance to the Council meeting is requested if possible.

It is unfortunate the papers have the wrong have your say documentation. The previous HAC concept incomplete have you say has been attached.


The concept plan is to be placed on public display January, February 2016

Please have your say on the council web site



Council deliberations 14 December

Under the proposed actions and timeline, it is anticipated that the DA could be submitted in March 2016 and determined by 30 June 2016. Tender documentation could be also finalised by 30 June 2016, in readiness for the confirmation of funding to construct the scheme

However, any progression of the project after the public exhibition period would be subject to Council resolving to include funding for the Haven during the 2016/17 budget deliberations; in particular within the consultation draft of the 2016/17 budget.

ORDINARY COUNCIL MEETING                                                                         14 DECEMBER 2015


That Council:

notes the estimated costs of the Haven Amphitheatre options as follows:

  • Baseline Costs $178,000 (including demolition of existing stage, creek and stone step restoration, with $30,000 for site studies)
  • Option I $1,500,000
  • Option 2 $1,100,000
  • Option 1A $1,220,000
  • Additional costs of $140,000 for Options 1,2 and IA comprising $70,000
    for DA and site studies and $70,000 for creek and stone restoration.
  1. Endorses public exhibition of the preferred Option IA for the new stage at the Haven Amphitheatre be commenced, with an extended exhibition period to encompass January and February 2016.
  2. Endorses the preparation of preliminary background reports to support a full documentary record for the site and Development Application be initiated in December 2015.
  3. Requests a further report be brought to Council after the public exhibition period for Option IA, that:
  • Presents the community’s feedback, with a modified design if required,
  • Considers the development of a draft budget bid to be presented as part
    of the 2016117 budget deliberations together with a funding model, and
  • Seeks approval to lodge a Development Application (subject to Council concurrence with the funding model).
  1. Officers continue to explore the available options in socking endorsement of the Haven Amphitheatre as a Deductible Gift recipient.

Passed with a motion put from Councillor Hill.

 25 October

Councillors have been invited to discuss the plans on November 11

The Haven Amphitheatre Committee and the community groups have not been consulted on the latest costed plan.

7 October 2015

Council officers have indicated the release of the latest concept plans to the community including the Haven Committee will not be before November 2015

(previous two concepts did not address the council approved functional specifications)

8 August 2015

New council officer recently appointed to the project at WCC.

Items listed in February to be completed

  • To meet with the Council Steering Group                                                                         Completed
  • Review the documentation relating to the Haven Amphitheatre                                 New management
  • Meet with community representatives on 3 occasions                                                   Two meetings completed
  • Prepare draft design options                                                                                                 Draft presented but did not comply with council                                                                                                                                                              brief, revised concept required.
  • Council to place the options on community consultation
  • Consider community feedback
  • Complete the final preferred option in preparation for a recommendation to Council (ie sketch plan, cost estimates, special issues (eg tree protection, power supply, heritage, acoustics, structural, ecological etc)

The time frame provided by staff February is anticipated to be as follows:

  • Consultant appointed by end of February                                                                              Completed
  • Community reference group meets three times between March and May                      Two completed
  • Public exhibition of all design options during May/June                                                    Options presented.  Revised concept                                                                                                                                                                                    required for consideration.
  • Report to Council – August

14 May 2015

RTM Theatre consultants report received from council for the Committees consideration.

 18 February 2015 WCC Appoints Architect

Craig Burton/CAB Consulting Pty Ltd. (Craig Burton ARAIA AAILA BArch MA DipL.D EnvSt. Hort.Cert (CAB) was the architect appointed to prepare design options for the stage improvements.

WCC’s General Manager, Ms Debra Just, has advised that the main tasks for CAB identified in WCC’s brief to the architect are:

  • To meet with the Council Steering Group
  • Review the documentation relating to the Haven Amphitheatre
  • Meet with community representatives on 3 occasions
  • Prepare draft design options
  • Council to place the options on community consultation
  • Consider community feedback
  • Complete the final preferred option in preparation for a recommendation to Council (ie sketch plan, cost estimates, special issues (eg tree protection, power supply, heritage, acoustics, structural, ecological etc)

The time frame provided by staff is anticipated to be as follows:

  • Consultant appointed by end of February (completed)
  • Community reference group meets three times between March and May
  • Public exhibition of all design options during May/June
  • Report to Council – August

15 September 2014 – Meeting with WCC Officers

At a meeting attended by Richard Newton and Jack Metcalfe of the Haven Committee and WCC Officers, it was agreed that:

  • Carols 2014 could not use the old condemned stage which is to be fenced off;
  • Council officers to appoint an architect by end 2014;
  • Carols will be produced from an alternate temporary stage location within the Amphitheatre with the October committee meeting determining the event plan.


Functional specification put to council by council officers Pdf

010914 20140728 21.1 Officer’s Report The Haven Amphitheatre Improvements – Functional Specification (1)


July 28 2014 Council  endorsed and passes functional specification Pdf

2014-07-28 Ordinary Council Meeting Minutes (4)  page 21


14 February 2014 – Our Stage is Closed

A recent engineering inspection of The Haven Amphitheatre stage commissioned by and for Willoughby City Council, the owner of the asset, states that the existing stage structure no longer complies with the current building codes.

The current non-compliant stage consists of a deck made of cement sheets mounted on a timber stage support system rebuilt  20 years ago including the 30 or more wooden piles that have been in the ground (and creek) for close to 40 years.

July 2011

Arranged with council officers to have the site survey completed.